
Saturday 3 November 2012


Definition :
Pseudocode is an informal program description that does not contain code syntax or underlying technology considerations. Pseudocode summarizes a program’s steps (or flow) but excludes underlying details. 

Introduction :
Flowchart are only one of the possible formal tools. They are one of the earliest forms used and are still very popular, because they give a visual image of the design. The flowcharting symbols were established before the concept of structured programming. As a result, flowcharts are not able to handle some of the concepts that we now assume will be present in a design.
Pseudocode is also a formal design tool, developed with the structured programming. It is a visual, narrative, and more easily used for structured design.
It is a programming analysis tool, that is commonly used for planning the program logic, where the name itself specifies "Pseudo" means initiation or false, "Code" means the set of statements or instructions written in a programming language. Pseudocode is also called "Program Design  Language (PDL)".
The pseudocode is written in normal English and cannot be understood by the computer. During the design of pseudocode, the designer or programmer can only concentrate the logic of the program without worrying the system of the instructions.

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